Are you filing a General Petition, a Grade Appeal, or some other request that requires your college Dean’s approval? Links to college-specific information for key policies and procedures are listed below.
Bartlett Academic Success Center
(520) 621-7763
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Office of Career and Academic Services
Forbes 203
(520) 621-3616
College of Applied Science and Technology
Student Services
1140 N. Colombo Avenue
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
(520) 458-8278 - SV local or
(520) 626-2422 - Tucson local
College of Architecture, Planning, & Landscape Architecture
Student Advising and Alumni Center
Architecture Bldg., Office 101C
(520) 626-4303
Office of Admissions, Advising and Student Services
Education, Room 247
(520) 621-7865
Engineering Academic Affairs Office
Engineering Bldg., Room 200
(520) 621-6032
Music Bldg., Room 111
(520) 621-1301
Humanities Academic Advising Center
Modern Languages 345
(520) 621-1048
Ina Gittings Building, Room 101
(520) 621-4850
Office of Student Affairs
Nursing Bldg., Room 112
(520) 626-3808
Pre-Pharmacy Students go to:
The A Center
Bartlett Academic Success Center
(520) 621-7763
Gould-Simpson Room 1017
(520) 621-8128
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
SBS Dean's Office
Douglass Bldg., Room 200W
(520) 621-1112
Undergraduate Programs Office
McClelland Hall, Room 204
(520) 621-2505
Honors Village
(520) 621-6901
Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Drachman Hall, Room A302
(520) 626-3207