Academic advising is a collaborative relationship between a student and an academic advisor. The intent of this collaboration is to assist the student in developing meaningful educational goals that are consistent with personal interests, values and abilities. Although many individuals on campus, including academic advisors, may assist the student in making decisions and accomplishing goals, the academic advisor is granted formal authority by an academic unit (college, school, department) to approve the student's academic program of study and assist the student in progressing toward the appropriate degree. Effective academic advising also helps the student utilize the extensive network of academic support services available on campus, and empowers the student to realize the full undergraduate experience at the University of Arizona. Achievement of this end requires the ongoing involvement of the student, one or more academic advisors, and the institution. Each of these has unique roles and responsibilities.
The provision of distinguished educational programs and support services is central to the mission of the University of Arizona. Essential to this objective is the availability and delivery of quality academic advising that enhances the undergraduate experience for all students at the University. Regarding academic advising, the University's role is to:
- foster a campus community that promotes student success
- provide the resources and professional development necessary for exemplary academic advising
- seek input from advisors and students when considering and implementing policy and curricular changes
- recognize the value of excellence in academic advising
Academic advisors provide academic assistance and individualized attention to promote each student's success at the University of Arizona. An academic advisor can share knowledge, experience and insight that is beneficial to the student. The advisor's role is to help the student evaluate and realize educational and career options. This requires the advisor to:
- approve the student's academic program of study
- provide accurate and consistent information
- clarify program requirements, policies and procedures
- assist the student in identifying appropriate institutional resources
- facilitate relationships between the student and other individuals on campus who may provide assistance
- uphold the academic standards of the institution
A key tenet of academic advising is that the student is responsible for his or her own decisions. Academic advisors exist because students require information and assistance to navigate the University system and to make appropriate decisions. The student's role is to explore academic, career and personal goals. This requires the student to:
- seek advising from appropriate advisors at appropriate times
- learn academic program requirements
- utilize available resources, including those that are web-based, to monitor academic progress
- take responsibility for actions and decisions that affect academic progress