For Advisors



In this section we've collected what we think is key information for academic advisors. We consider our attempt at organizing this body of knowledge to be a work in progress. We welcome suggestions to this site, and because there are so many links, please report any broken or incorrect ones right away to the ARC at or call (520) 626-8667. Thank you for helping us to improve and keep up-to-date information at this site. The UA offers multiple resources to support students in their academic and personal success, and just as important are the many resources available to assist advisors as they become proficient in their profession and continually enhance their skills

Advisor Tools

Find general information and training material on advisor tools.

Business Process Guides

Business Process Guides outline and explain processes within UAccess.

Glossary and Guide

The Glossary and Guide (1.0) provides, as the name would imply, a resource tool for academic advisors. Updates and revisions are ongoing. Think of it as an Advising Wikipedia and help the ARC to build a stronger tool.

Information for New Advisors

In a profession as diverse as academic advising and at a university the size of UA, new advisors need guidance as they quickly learn countless advising policies and practices.

Professional Development and Training

Academic Advisors are strongly encouraged to engage in professional development opportunities offered on campus as well as through regional and national conferences.

Professional Organizations and Resources

Advisors at all stages of their career benefit from professional development, both at the local and national level.