Forms & Processes





Academic Renewal
Allows elimination of up to three semesters from GPA calculation under specific circumstances.
Academic Eligibility
  • The Undergraduate Academic Eligibility Policy is designed to help undergraduates stay on track for degree completion at the University of Arizona and is calculated for all undergraduate students at the end of each fall and spring semester.


  • The five academic statuses determine eligibility to enroll in courses at the University; however, they do not determine eligibility to enroll in specific programs, schools, or colleges. Students who are not in Eligible status who earn grades in winter or summer term or have revisions to their academic record that updates their cumulative GPA to 2.00 or higher will return to Eligible status.

Application for University Admission

Allows prospective first year and transfer students, non-degree seeking students, and students seeking readmission to formally apply to the University.

Authorization for Release of Information (FERPA release)
Allows students to specify circumstances in which personal information may be shared with others.
Change of Schedule
Allows students to add, drop, and make other approved changes to their schedules.
Complete Withdrawal 

See Withdrawal, Complete

Concurrent Enrollment Policy for International Students

International students are only allowed to enroll in classes at Pima Community College above and beyond 12 units at the University of Arizona.

Consortium Agreement
Allows students to combine total units at multiple schools in order to meet Financial Aid eligibility requirements.
Degree Candidacy Declaration
Allows students to officially declare intention to graduate, likely the semester prior to the intended graduation.
Disability Resource Center Substitutions
Allows substitutions of degree requirements in specific cases related to documented disabilities.
FERPA Release

See Authorization for Release of Information

Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Appeal
Allows students to explain the circumstances surrounding failure to make necessary progress for financial aid eligibility.
General Petition
Allows students to petition for exceptions to university policies under extenuating circumstances.
Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO)
  • Alters a student's GPA by replacing a low grade earned in a first attempt of a course with a grade earned in a subsequent attempt.
  • More Information
Incomplete Grade Report
Allows students and instructors to document the conditions required for completion of an incomplete grade.
Independent Study / Directed Research Proposal
Allows students and instructors to document expectations for independent study or directed research credit
International Student Concurrent Enrollment
Allows international students to maintain visa eligibility by taking a combination of University of Arizona and Pima Community College courses in order to stay full-time
Internship Proposal
Allows students, instructors, and employers to document expectations for an internship
Lawful Presence Status
  • Students can view their lawful presence status in UAccess. Students should navigate to their Personal Tab > Personal Summary to view this information.  Advisors can log onto the administrative student services center and follow the same steps.
Leave of Absence
Allows students to leave the university for up to two semesters without needing to reapply upon returning, under certain circumstances
Multiple Use of Courses (formally known as Double Dipping)
  • Multiple Use of Courses (formally known as Double Dipping)
    The use of courses to satisfy more than one requirement in the student's degree program (e.g., fulfilling a major, pre-major, minor, certificate, and/or General Education requirement) is subject to University General Education, college, and department policies on the multiple use of a course.
Preceptorship Proposal
Allows students and instructors to document expectations for a preceptorship experience
Residency Classification
Determines students' state residency status for the purpose of tuition calculation

Students can view their current tuition residency status in UAccess. Students should navigate to their Personal Tab > Personal Summary to view this information.  Advisors can log onto the administrative student services center and follow the same steps.

Registration Release
  • Academic advisors can obtain the Registration Release form through the Office of Orientation (Bear Down Gym 621-5293).
Second Start Readmission Program

Study Abroad

Allows students to take classes at an approved international college or university

Thematic Minor Proposal
Allows students and their major advisors to document approved curriculum for a thematic minor
Transcript Request
Allows students to purchase official copies of their University of Arizona transcripts either via the Internet or in-person.  Transcripts cannot be purchased through the mail or by FAX.