Academic Renewal Allows elimination of up to three semesters from GPA calculation under specific circumstances. | |
Academic Eligibility |
Application for University Admission Allows prospective first year and transfer students, non-degree seeking students, and students seeking readmission to formally apply to the University. | |
Authorization for Release of Information (FERPA release) Allows students to specify circumstances in which personal information may be shared with others. | |
Change of Schedule Allows students to add, drop, and make other approved changes to their schedules. | |
Complete Withdrawal | |
Concurrent Enrollment Policy for International Students | International students are only allowed to enroll in classes at Pima Community College above and beyond 12 units at the University of Arizona. |
Consortium Agreement Allows students to combine total units at multiple schools in order to meet Financial Aid eligibility requirements. |
Degree Candidacy Declaration Allows students to officially declare intention to graduate, likely the semester prior to the intended graduation. | |
Disability Resource Center Substitutions Allows substitutions of degree requirements in specific cases related to documented disabilities. |
FERPA Release | |
Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Appeal Allows students to explain the circumstances surrounding failure to make necessary progress for financial aid eligibility. | |
General Petition Allows students to petition for exceptions to university policies under extenuating circumstances. |
Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) |
Incomplete Grade Report Allows students and instructors to document the conditions required for completion of an incomplete grade. | |
Independent Study / Directed Research Proposal Allows students and instructors to document expectations for independent study or directed research credit | |
International Student Concurrent Enrollment Allows international students to maintain visa eligibility by taking a combination of University of Arizona and Pima Community College courses in order to stay full-time | |
Internship Proposal Allows students, instructors, and employers to document expectations for an internship | |
Lawful Presence Status |
Leave of Absence Allows students to leave the university for up to two semesters without needing to reapply upon returning, under certain circumstances | |
Multiple Use of Courses (formally known as Double Dipping) |
Preceptorship Proposal Allows students and instructors to document expectations for a preceptorship experience | |
Residency Classification Determines students' state residency status for the purpose of tuition calculation | Students can view their current tuition residency status in UAccess. Students should navigate to their Personal Tab > Personal Summary to view this information. Advisors can log onto the administrative student services center and follow the same steps. |
Registration Release |
Second Start Readmission Program | |
Study Abroad Allows students to take classes at an approved international college or university | |
Thematic Minor Proposal Allows students and their major advisors to document approved curriculum for a thematic minor | |
Transcript Request Allows students to purchase official copies of their University of Arizona transcripts either via the Internet or in-person. Transcripts cannot be purchased through the mail or by FAX. |